Getting a great website designed, developed and live on the web is only the start of the online marketing process. During the early stages of the website process it is essential that a good understanding of our clients market - customers, prospects and key phrases they use to find their services. This is a very important part of establishing a successful online marketing effort in conjunction with a great rich content website.
Where many will guess at the right keywords and phrases, we research, analyze, compile, prioritize and test in order to obtain the optimal keyword and key phrases that prospects are using to search and find your services. Skip this step and the results can be detrimental. Don't let all the hard work and cost invested in a great website to be lost due to shortcutting the optimization process. Our web optimization process is top notch and delivers results.
Why is SEO important to your content?
Search engine optimization is an essential part of the content of each web page because optimizing by optimizing one is actually adding those keywords, key phrases and related words and phrases which together addresses the criterias the search engines are seeking. Content that has been optimized plays an essential role in providing better positions (higher up) in a search engine results page. Without SEO or optimized content web pages become more invisible to search engines.
Before adding SEO to web pages, it is critical to do the right research to identify the best, correct and most favorable words and phrases that are relative to the topic of each page. The keywords and key phrases need also be within a competitive range whereby websites/webpages can compete in the marketplace.
Why is SEO important to your website?
By performing SEO to your website you are ensuring your website and each web page are best able to attract and get the best results from the algogithms of each search engine. If you have ever performed a search on Google for example you would have noticed those listings which appear on the first page. These listings and the links to those websites were determined by Google to be the best optimized, best content and best sites overall that pertains to the search critieria you have inputted. A non-optimized website would not appear on the first or even second page in almost all cases. If it did it would be due to other aspects beyond most websites for todays businesses.
Why is local SEO important to successful marketing?
Local search engine optimization is important to your business because it provides the means for local customers to find your business when they prform a search. Most businesses prefer to work with and do business with other businesses close to them. Our local search engine optimization process gets your business on the most important destinations out on the internet where you need to have a presence.
Optimizing for best results means ensuring your website has a presence on many other destination sites. The graphic to the right are the main destinations the Siteastic team will list and promote your business ensuring maximum search engine visibility and improved website ranking on search engines. Our goal is the get your business well ranked and showing high up in the search results page for the optimized keywords and phrases.
So what are some of the advantages of your business showing up in search results on the first page of search engines such as Google?:
42% of users clicks on the top four listings on page one of search results
80-85% of clicks on Google go to the organic results and not the paid results
97% of customers perform research using search engines before making a buying decision
92% of customers will contact businesses immediately after searching
60% of leads are derived from Organic (free) Search (including Local and Mobile Search)
What does Siteastic provide?
Competitive Analysis
Research and analysis of top four keywords per category within your area of business
Content optimization with keyword density analysis to meet criteria
Proper ALT tagging throughout all web pages
Quality Backlinking, Anchor text
On Page: Keyword in body, title, headlines, description, domain, anchor text, alt and image tags, robots, internal linking
Search engine compatability review: coding, HTML and CSS coding
Social bookmarking
Analysis of top four competitors
Professionally written content
Optimized title tagging
Optimized unique description tags per page
Ensure minimal required word count and word density